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Samuels, Heidi

Criminal Justice Professor & Chairperson, Applied Sciences Division | Administration Building, Room 206B

Education: Currently pursuing an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. I am a doctoral candidate, i.e. ABD (all but dissertation) Master of Science: Criminal Justice, Minor in counseling rehabilitation: Marshall University Bachelor of Arts: Criminal Justice, Minors: psychology and sociology: Marshall University Courses Taught: CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 202 Criminal Law CJ 206 Introduction to Corrections (developed) CJ 230 Probation and Parole Operations (developed) CJ 255 Analysis of Correctional Operations (developed) CJ 280 Victimology (developed) CJ 316 Community Corrections (developed) CJ 324 Drugs, Crime, and Society (developed) CJ 410 Research Methods (developed) CJ 415 Introduction to Forensic Techniques (developed) CJ 455 Ethics in Criminal Justice (developed) CJ 461 Current Issues in Criminal Justice (developed) CJ 485 Senior Seminar (developed) CJ 493 Hate Crime: A System’s Response (developed) UNIV 101 Orientation Online Courses Developed CJ 202 Criminal Law CJ 206 Introduction to Corrections CJ 316 Community Corrections CJ 324 Drugs, Crime, and Society CJ 461 Current Issues in Criminal Justice CJ 493 Hate Crime: A System’s Response University Service: Faculty Advisor for Criminal Justice Club, Faculty Mentor for Mentoring (retention) Program Research Interests: I am currently involved in researching student retention and academic advising for my dissertation. I have successfully defended my prospectus and look forward to completing the process soon. The title of my dissertation is: COMPREHENSIVE ACADEMIC ADVISING SERVICES: ONE UNIVERSITY’S SUCCESSFUL MODEL

Fun Fact About Me: I have two step-children and five rescue dogs. I enjoy landscaping and home improvement. I am a HUGE Steelers fan and have been since first grade.

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